Thursday, February 14, 2008

God's mercy & grace is amazing!!

I stand amazed at God's mercy and grace!! He amazes me!! Yesterday I went to visit Ron's Aunt Martha. When I arrived, she was sitting slumped over in her wheelchair yelling in her very weak voice for someone to come and put her in bed. The nurses finally came to assist. All she has been wanting to eat the past few weeks is tomato soup. She doesn't have an appetite whatsoever. I fed her maybe 1/4 of the bowl of soup plus 6 bites of mashed potatoes with gravy. Before I left, the need to fully share the gospel was very strong. I got down on my knees next to her bed so she could hear me and began to share with her how she must be born again. Even though she was very weak and wanting to sleep, she seemed to understand what was being said. I then led her in a sinners prayer which she repeated. We rejoice for another sinner coming to the Lord!! We have been praying along time for her salvation. Please continue to pray for her that God will touch her.


baseball boys said...

What an awesome Valentine for her! I know that you guys are happy! God is Good!

God is Faithful! said...

I love it!
Happy Birthday Sandy!