Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 6, 2008

Hello- We're back!

It has been a good week, we missed a big snow across Iowa- Des Moines received 12 inches which is located in the middle of the state. We are on the west coast of Iowa and only received 2 inches. Also it is not as cold as a couple of weeks ago- now in the teens and twenties during the day and a balmy 0 to -5 degrees at night. By the way, they don't put cold on the weather charts until it is 0 degrees or lower !
We've heard about the super bad weather in Arkansas, Tennessee and southern states! Hope everyone is OK and nothing was damaged. 44 deaths across 4 states is very bad and we are praying that families are comforted and given assistance.
My Aunt Martha is feeling a little better today- She still is in semi-isolation, but tests are coming back negative and she is eating in the dining room tonight. She still is weak and sleeps a lot and she has turned over much of her affairs to me. We will take it one day at a time.
We pray that pawpaw is doing better in Tennessee. We are trying to keep in contact with family on his condition and we are praying for his recovery.
I haven't heard from my cousins in Tulsa, OK! I understand that Carol is working hard on her daughters (Linda)- my second cousin's upcoming wedding! Keep us up-to-date on the plans and what's new in Tulsa.
Our Katrina and Logan are growing like corn! - I think Logan has grown at least 1-2 inches this past month alone.

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