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Yesterday, when we woke up it was 13 below zero with a wind chill @ 37 below. Will we ever see spring? Our Buick wouldn't start yesterday and on the way to work, one of the tires blew out on the Van. However, God is good - Ron was about a block & 1/2 from a tire store and no damage was done to the rim. We've had snow on the ground for over 75 days and it's suppose to snow again later today or sometime this weekend. Today is a little warmer - the high will be 19 and the low at 1 degree (heat wave). Oh well, we just bundle up and endure it then come home and drink hot chocolate - I guess that's the good part.
Saturday we received a call from Martha's nurse requesting we put Martha on Hospice. She said it didn't look like she was getting any better and they offer some added services. We wanted to make sure they weren't going to just keep her druged to where she was a vegetable. They will take over where the doctors left off with her wound care. Right now they're giving her hydrocodone every 4-6 hours to help with pain. Her bed sore looks horrible - it's about the size of a silver dollar and about 1/2 - 1 inch deep. I can see why she's in such pain. Sunday when we were there, she didn't want me to leave her side. She kept telling me how much she appreciated me and that she loved me. Ron said this was not her - she very rarely tells anyone she loves them. Also, her countinance was different - her face seemed to glow and she seemed more settled. Thank you Lord - When he changes a heart, he does it in an awesome way. Logan and I haven't seen her since Monday due to cleaning a house Tuesday and going to a funeral yesterday. The day before yesterday she ate a whole bowl of soup, but only a few bites yesterday. She's pretty much quit eating. Please continue to pray for her.
Ron and the kids made my birthday very special Sunday. They bought me some much needed clinique makeup that it is only bought once a year. They are so funny - Ron tries to have them keep stuff like that secret, but they were giving hints so good that I pretty much knew what I was getting. They are so funny!!
Well until next time. Blessings to all!!
The Scotts
(Ron, Sandy, Katrina, Logan & Oreo)
I stand amazed at God's mercy and grace!! He amazes me!! Yesterday I went to visit Ron's Aunt Martha. When I arrived, she was sitting slumped over in her wheelchair yelling in her very weak voice for someone to come and put her in bed. The nurses finally came to assist. All she has been wanting to eat the past few weeks is tomato soup. She doesn't have an appetite whatsoever. I fed her maybe 1/4 of the bowl of soup plus 6 bites of mashed potatoes with gravy. Before I left, the need to fully share the gospel was very strong. I got down on my knees next to her bed so she could hear me and began to share with her how she must be born again. Even though she was very weak and wanting to sleep, she seemed to understand what was being said. I then led her in a sinners prayer which she repeated. We rejoice for another sinner coming to the Lord!! We have been praying along time for her salvation. Please continue to pray for her that God will touch her.
Hello- We're back!
It has been a good week, we missed a big snow across Iowa- Des Moines received 12 inches which is located in the middle of the state. We are on the west coast of Iowa and only received 2 inches. Also it is not as cold as a couple of weeks ago- now in the teens and twenties during the day and a balmy 0 to -5 degrees at night. By the way, they don't put cold on the weather charts until it is 0 degrees or lower !
We've heard about the super bad weather in Arkansas, Tennessee and southern states! Hope everyone is OK and nothing was damaged. 44 deaths across 4 states is very bad and we are praying that families are comforted and given assistance.
My Aunt Martha is feeling a little better today- She still is in semi-isolation, but tests are coming back negative and she is eating in the dining room tonight. She still is weak and sleeps a lot and she has turned over much of her affairs to me. We will take it one day at a time.
We pray that pawpaw is doing better in Tennessee. We are trying to keep in contact with family on his condition and we are praying for his recovery.
I haven't heard from my cousins in Tulsa, OK! I understand that Carol is working hard on her daughters (Linda)- my second cousin's upcoming wedding! Keep us up-to-date on the plans and what's new in Tulsa.
Our Katrina and Logan are growing like corn! - I think Logan has grown at least 1-2 inches this past month alone.