Friday, August 15, 2008

Things are Happening!!!!!!

Life has been hectic since I last blogged. I recovered well from my procedure - I go back to the doctor in a couple of weeks for a follow-up.

I should be getting my Massage license next week sometime. Right after I passed my boards, I called our chiropractor to let him know I was looking for a job since I passed my boards. It took him a while to call me back so I wasn't sure if this was God's plan at this time. A few Sunday nights ago we had a special prayer time where we shared our needs with individuals. My request was that God open the door(s) he wanted me to go through. The following Tuesday the doctor called and we met on a Thursday. Things just fell into place. I will be renting a room from him so I'll be an independent contractor. It's been real exciting for Ron & me to plan all the details - he's set a lot of doctors up into practice so he knows all the ins and outs of setting up a business. The name of my practice is "That Added Touch Massage". I'll be able to work around the kids school schedule. I'm planning on doing a mailer to the community to let them know where my practice will be located. The possibilities are endless!! God never ceases to amaze me!! Thank you Lord!!!

Well, better go for now!!
Love ya,
Sandy Scott