Life in the Scott household is more busy than ever. With trying to finish school, going through Martha's belongings to get ready for a sale, church functions, trying to keep up with the laundry, house work - whew - I catch myself coming and going. I'm sure this is the case for many, but it still doesn't make it easy. I guess you just deal with it and take it one moment at a time.
We contacted a contractor to give us an estimate on remodeling Martha's house. We want to replace carpet, repaint and knock down a wall in between the kitchen and dining room. Hopefully this will bring more for the house when we go to sell it.
The other day I was going through some drawers and found around 6 unopened vinyl lace tablecloths that were the same. In total, there are probably at least 75-100 tablecloths that she owned. It is unreal. She has a lot of trinkets as well. Some antique some she bought at goodwill. Needless to say, we have our work cut out for us. Our thing is finding the time to go over there and separated everything.
Well, I graduate June 2nd. I am so glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We've been doing belt work the last couple of weeks. This is also called "Muscular - Tendon - Re-education" (MTR). In short, the belt has a ratchet and is put around a person's hips and tighten to re-align the hips. More or less, when you lay on your back see how your feet are placed - if they're straight up and down, then you have aligned hips, but if they turn out or in, your hips are mis-aligned. The belt is left on for 10 minutes then tightened and left on for 1 minute then it's loosened. It sounds painful, but when its done you feel like a new person - you walk different as well.
Well just wanted to fill everyone on what's happening in the Scott's house. We have plans on Memorial weekend to go to Janean and Deryl's house. The kids are real excited about the trip. If you'd like to join us, let us know (or I guess you'd need to let Janean or Deryl know). Have a WONDERFUL, RESURRECTED Easter!! Praise God Jesus is Alive!!!!!!!!!
Ron, Sandy, Katrina, Logan & Oreo
The Struggle is Real
8 years ago
1 comment:
I totally understand the busy part. Chandler has been playing ball for a few months, but now it's Clay's turn. His team has been practicing for a few weeks now with their first game April 7th. I think we need to leave a sleeping bag or two at the ball park! I'm not sure what we are doing for the holiday, but I will let you know!
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